Practice Papers for Toles Advanced Book 1 -  - książka

Practice Papers for Toles Advanced Book 1 książka papierowa


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Practice Papers for TOLES Advanced provides great study material for any more advanced lawyer or law student who wishes to learn legal English as well as for those who plan to take a TOLES exam. This book is for learners who have a high intermediate – advanced level of general English and who are high intermediate – advanced level in legal English. The book has 145 pages of legal English practice. It contains 5 practice papers for TOLES Advanced. The study material includes advanced legal reading and writing skills with a strong emphasis on commercial law. The book also has a strong emphasis on grammar and has a strong focus on aspects of English such as prepositions, collocations and sentence structure. The issue of legal drafting in plainer English is also addressed. This is a book that any learner can use over a long period of time in order to study and learn legal English as well as to prepare for an exam.

Liczba stron: 146

Format (wymiary): 21.0x30.0cm

ISBN: 9780957358973

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