Yvonne Wilson
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  • Yvonne Wilson 
  • języki: 2 
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Yvonne Wilson has had many roles in the software industry related to security and identity management as a developer, security architect, customer success engineer working with customers, founder of cloud identity services, and director of a security governance, risk, and compliance function. She was responsible for IT security strategy and architecture at Sun Microsystems, founded and designed the identity management services offered through Oracle Managed Cloud Services, and works as Senior Director of GRC at Auth0 with customers and vendors to ensure end-to-end security of the application technology supply chain.

In working with business teams at Sun and while founding the initial support team at Auth0, Yvonne worked with many customers, from small startups to large enterprises, and through the implementation of SSO, federated SSO, adaptive knowledge-based authentication, and identity provisioning. From this depth of experience, she realized the need for a basic understanding of identity management concepts by business application owners as well as architects and developers. 

Abhishek Hingnikar has enjoyed writing software from an early age and has worked on multiple startups during his career. He currently works as a pre-sales engineer at Auth0 where he helps customers architect federated identity management solutions using OIDC, SAML, WSFed, and OAuth.