Pramod Singh
Wyniki wyszukiwania, prezentowane na stronie, dopasowane są do kryteriów wyszukiwania podanych przez użytkownika. Staramy się wyróżniać produkty, które mogą szczególnie zainteresować naszych użytkowników, używając w tym celu oznaczenia Bestseller lub Nowość. Pozycje na liście wyników wyszukiwania mogą być również sortowane - parametr sortowania ma pierwszeństwo nad pozostałymi wynikami.

  • Pramod Singh 
  • Thriller, sensacja, horror 
  • Wyczyść
Pramod Singh is currently playing a role of Machine Learning Expert at Walmart Labs. He has extensive hands-on experience in machine learning, deep learning, AI, data engineering, designing algorithms and application development. He has spent more than 10 years working on multiple data projects at different organizations. He’s the author of three books -Machine Learning with PySpark , Learn PySpark and Learn TensorFlow 2.0. He is also a regular speaker at major conferences such as O’Reilly’s Strata and AI conferences. Pramod holds a BTech in electrical engineering from  B.A.T.U, and an  MBA from Symbiosis University. He has also done Data Science certification from IIM–Calcutta. He lives in Bangalore with his wife and three-year-old son. In his spare time, he enjoys playing guitar, coding, reading, and watching football.

Avinash Manure is a Senior Data Scientist at Publicis Sapient with over 8 years of experience in solving real-world business challenges using Data. He is proficient in deploying complex machine learning and statistical modeling algorithms/techniques for identifying patterns and extracting valuable insights for key stakeholders and organizational leadership.

Avinash holds a bachelor’s degree in Electronics Engineering from Mumbai University and has done his Master’s in Business Administration (Marketing) from University of Pune. He is currently settled in Bangalore with his wife. He enjoys travelling to new places and reading motivational books.