Hal Pawson
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Hal Pawson is Professor of Housing Research and Policy, University of New South Wales Sydney, and an Associate Director of UNSW's City Futures Research Centre. Renowned as a housing researcher both in Australia and the UK, he is also a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Housing, and a Managing Editor of the international journal, Housing Studies.

Vivienne Milligan is an Honorary Professor, City Futures Research Centre, UNSW Sydney, Australia.  She has had a distinguished career, spanning nearly 40 years, as both a policymaker and a researcher specialising in social and affordable housing. She has a Doctorate in Geographical Studies from Utrecht University and is a life member of the Australasian Housing Institute.

Judith Yates currently is an Honorary Associate Professor in the School of Economics at the University of Sydney following a career of over 40 years in academia. Her primary research has been in housing economics, finance and policy. She holds a Doctor of Economic Science from the University of Amsterdam.