Subhashini Chellappan
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  • Subhashini Chellappan 
  • języki: 2 
  • Lektury 
  • Wyczyść
Subhashini Chellappan is a technology enthusiast with expertise in the big data and cloud space. She has rich experience in both academia and the software industry. Her areas of interest and expertise are centered on business intelligence, big data analytics and cloud computing.

Dharanitharan Ganesan is an MBA in Technology management with high level of exposure and experience in big data – Apache Hadoop, Apache Spark and various Hadoop ecosystem components. He has a proven track record of improving efficiency and productivity through the automation of various routine and administrative functions in business intelligence and big data technologies. His areas of interest and expertise are centered on machine learning algorithms, Blockchain in Bigdata, statistical modelling and predictive analytics.